Time Speaker Title
0800-0830 Registration
Amyloidosis and its diagnosis Chair: _________ (TRI Auditorium)
0830-0835 Emad Abro Welcome and Introduction
0835-0850 Peter Mollee About the QLD Amyloidosis Centre – Services, Overview of Current research projects, Trials
0850-0905 Niri Anderson Epidemiology of Amyloidosis
0905-0920 Mark Taylor Diagnosing Amyloidosis
0920-0935 James Rowland IHC problems & pitfalls / research project update & Mass Spectrometry
0935-0950 Meenan Palamuthusingham Monoclonal Gammopathies of Renal Significance
0950-1030 Int Speaker Isabelle Lusada Advocating / drug approval / organisation
1030-1100 Morning tea
Assessing amyloidosis Chair: Arun Dahiya (TRI Auditorium)
1100-1115 Dariusz Korzyck Cardiac Imaging: Echo
1115-1130 Matt Burrage Cardiac Imaging: MRI
1130-1145 Phillip Law Florbetaben PET Project / Scintigraphy
1145-1200 Nabeel Sheikh Neurological assessment tools in Amyloidosis
1200-1215 Mark Taylor Hereditary ATTRv update
1215-1230 Session Speakers Q&A
1230-1300 Lunch
Management of Amyloidosis Chair:____________(TRI Auditorium)
1300-1400 Int Speaker M Grogan Management of ATTR Amyloid including 10mins Q&A
1400-1500 Int Speaker M Roussel Management of AL Amyloid including 10 mins Q&A
1500-1530 Afternoon tea
Local Updates and Case discussion Chair ________ (TRI Auditorium)
1530-1545 Darius Koryzk Treatment Options in Aus and Clinic Trial update
1545-1600 Simon Gibbs 2023 Australian Guidelines for AL amyloidosis 2023
1600-1700 Panel International speakers + SG + PM + DK Cases Discussion (x 2 cases 1 AL and 1 TTR) and Q&A
1700 Close
Time Speaker Title
0800-0830 Registration
Amyloidosis and its diagnosis
0830-0835 Emad Abro Welcome and Introduction
0835-0850 Peter Mollee About the QLD Amyloidosis Centre – Services, Overview of Current research projects, Trials
0850-0905 Niri Anderson Epidemiology of Amyloidosis
0905-0920 Simon Gibbs Diagnosing Amyloidosis
0920-0935 Duncan Lambie IHC problems & pitfalls / research project update & Mass Spectrometry
0935-0950 Meenan Palamuthusingham Monoclonal Gammopathies of Renal Significance
0950-1030 Int Speaker Isabelle Lusada The Amyloidosis Research Consortium as a vessel for change
1030-1100 Morning tea
Assessing amyloidosis
1100-1115 Dariusz Korzyck Cardiac Imaging: Echo
1115-1130 Matt Burrage Cardiac Imaging: MRI
1130-1145 TBC Scintigraphy
1145-1200 Antonia Carroll Neurological assessment tools in Amyloidosis
1200-1215 Antonia Carroll Hereditary ATTRv update
1215-1230 Session Speakers Q&A
1230-1300 Lunch
Management of Amyloidosis
1300-1400 Int Speaker M Grogan ATTR Management: How I Treat including 10mins Q&A
1400-1500 Int Speaker M Roussel AL Management: How I Treat including 10mins Q&A
1500-1530 Afternoon tea
Local Updates and Case discussion
1530-1545 Darius Koryzk Cardiac TTR Treatment Options in Australia and Clinic Trial update
1545-1600 Simon Gibbs 2023 Australian Guidelines for AL Amyloidosis
1600-1700 Panel international speakers and local speakers Cases Discussion (x 2 cases 1 AL and 1 TTR) and Q&A
1700 Close
Time Speaker Title
0830-0900 Registration
What is Amyloidosis? Chair: Carmel Woodrow (Seminar room 2003 and 2004)
0900-0910 Pat Neely The PFAC What does it do?
0910-0920 Peter Mollee Update on the AAN and the PAH Centre
0920-0935 Simon Gibbs What is amyloidosis and the difficulty of diagnosis
0935-0950 Matthew Burrage Amyloidosis and the effects on the heart
0950-1005 ? Menan ? David Amyloidosis and the effects on the kidney
1005-1020 Nabeel Sheikh Amyloidosis and the effects on the nerves
1020-1030 Q&A
1030-1100 Morning tea
Interactive Session Chair: (Seminar room 2003 and 2004)
1100-1115 Peter Mollee / Dariusz Local Research and trials update
1115-1145 Lusada + P Mollee + M Rousell AL Amyloidosis Patient story with with interactive panel
1145-1215 Lusada + D Korzyck + M Grogan TTR Amyloidosis Patient story with interactive panel
1215-1230 Panel of speakers as above Answers to questions from people with Amyloidosis and panel discussion with the experts
1230-1330 Close & Lunch
Presentation Speaker Title
1 Edwin Lee Introduction
2 Simon Gibbs The Australian Amyloidosis Network (AAN).
3 Fiona Kwok The amyloidosis network model. Introduction to Sydney’s Westmead Amyloidosis Service
4 Simon Gibbs Introduction to Melbourne’s amyloidosis centre & updates on treatments and clinical trials in Australia
5 Liza Thomas Cardiac amyloidosis
6 Local expert Local data and development of local resources and setting up local patient support network
7 Local expert Local networking, communication channels, “virtual” networking and future meetings
Time Speaker Title
0800-0830 Registration
PLENARY SESSION Chair: Antonia? Jennifer?
0830-0840 Fiona Kwok, Pat Neely, Trisha Gardiner Welcome and Introductions
0840-0850 Amyloidosis. The same diagnosis for many different disorders
0850-0900 Monique Barrett How to monitor and care for my heart
0900-0910 How to monitor and care for my kidneys
0910-0920 How to monitor and care for my nerves
0920-0935 Fiona Kwok Therapy Access in Australia. The TGA, PBS, Compassionate access, Clinical trials
Breakout Session 1. ATTR. Chair: Cardiologist Breakout Session 2. AL. Chair: Kris Ma ? Shyam Panicker ?
0935-1005 Martha Grogan How do we best treat ATTR Murielle Roussel How do we best treat AL
1005-1015 Martha Grogan, Cardiologist(s), Others Qs to Panel Murielle Roussel, Haematologist(s), Others Qs to Panel
1015-1030 Morning Tea
PLENARY SESSION How we can work together to achieve the best outcomes Co-Chairs: Pat Neely and Isabelle Lousada
1030-1035 Pat Neely Introduction to interactive session
1035-1045 My AL journey
1045-1115 Panel: Isabelle Lousada, NSW Cardiologist(s) Interactive Audience and Panel Session
1115-1155 My ATTR journey
1155-1200 Closing remarks
Time Speaker Title
1000-1030 Registration & morning tea
1030-1040 Dr Simon Gibbs Welcome
1040-1055 Dr Olga Motorna The Basics: What is Amyloidosis and How to Identify and Stage the Different Subtypes
Chair: Dr Brendan Wisniowski
1055-1130 Dr Patrick Hosking Don’t Stop at the (Congo) Red Traffic Light – Nailing the Correct Amyloid Subtype
Chair: Dr Ellen Maxwell (TBC)
1130-1150 A/Prof James Hare and Prof Andrew Scott (TBC) Advances in Amyloid Imaging – Echocardiography, CMR, bone scintigraphy & PET
Chair: A/Prof Peter Mollee
1150-1230 A/Prof Martha Grogan, Mayo Clinic, USA The Growing Beast: ATTR Amyloidosis – Prevalence, prognosis and treatments in 2023
Chair: A/Prof Justin Mariani (TBC)
1015-1030 Lunch
1300-1330 Isabelle Lousada Connecting and advocating with your patient – Lessons from the USA.Amyloidosis Research Consortium
Chair: Dr Michael Low (TBC)
1330-1410 Murielle Roussel Improving Treatments and Survival in AL Amyloidosis
Chair: Prof H. Miles Prince
1410-1450 Chair: A/Prof Amit Khot The Neglected Cousin – Optimising Supportive Care in amyloidosis
Dr Mahima Kapoor, Neurologist
Dr Arun Gupta, Gastroenterologist
Dr James Theuerle, Cardiologist (TBC)
A/Prof Darren Lee, Nephrologist
– Managing Hypotension and Neuropathy
– Correcting Weight loss and Cachexia
– Optimising Heart Failure Management

– Renal Transplantation in Amyloidosis
1450-1505 Afternoon tea
Breakout Session 1. AL. Moderator: Prof Hang Quach Breakout Session 2. ATTR. Chair: Prof Jonathan Kalman (TBC)
1505-1535 – For the Motion – Dr Murielle Roussel
– Against the Motion – A/Prof Peter Mollee
Speaker Debate – That ASCT is Dead in AL Amyloidosis Dr James Gunton Managing Arrthymias in ATTR
1545-1610 Dr Simon Gibbs and Prof Ed Gane What’s coming next? Resorptive monoclonal antibodies, CRISPA, bi-specifics, TTR silencers and stabilisers and more
Chair: Dr William Renwick (TBC)
1610-1625 Panel discussion – All Speakers Future Directions and Opportunities for Collaboration
1625-1630 Dr Simon Gibbs Thank you and Close
Time Speaker Title
1130-1200 Registration & morning tea
1200-1210 Dr Simon Gibbs Welcome
1210-1240 Dr Julia McClelland and A/Prof Darren Lee What is amyloidosis? What are the different types of amyloidosis? How does it affect the body?
Chair: Dr Teresa Leung (TBC) / Sue Corcoran (TBC)
Breakout Session 1. AL. Chair: Dr Philip Campbell (TBC) Breakout Session 2. ATTR. Chair: Dr Leighton Kearney (TBC)
1240-1330 Dr Murielle Roussel How do we best treat AL Amyloidosis (with Q&A) A/Prof Martha Grogan How do we best treat ATTR Amyloidosis (with Q&A)
1330-1400 Lunch
1400-1440 Isabelle Lousada and David Boyle Achieving the best results with your health care professionals – How we can learn from each other and lessons from the Amyloidosis Research Consortium
Chair: Pat Neely
1440-1510 Chair: Jaime Christmas and Dr Arun Gupta How can I improve my quality of life?
Dr James Hare, Cardiologist, Alfred Health
Sarah Gardiner, Dietitian, Epworth Freemasons
Dr Mahima Kapoor, Neurologist, Alfred Health
Emily Minopoulos, Amyloidosis Specialist Nurse
– Managing excess fluid and improving my fitness

– Optimising my Diet

– Managing Poor Sleep, Dizziness and Nerve Pain

– Managing Tiredness and Asking for Help
1510-1525 Afternoon tea
1525-1545 Dr Brendan Wisniowski (TBC) Accessing clinical trials and new drugs: What is the future?
Chair: Evan Bittner
1545-1555 Panel: Kapoor, Gane, Hare, Motorna, Lousada, Grogan, Lee, Wisniowski, Neely, Christmas Open Mic – Questions you’ve always wanted to ask
1555-1600 Pat Neely Thank you and Close
Time Speaker Title
0800-0830 Registration & morning tea
0830-0840 Dr Hasib Sidiqi Welcome
0840-0900 Local expert The Basics: What is Amyloidosis and How to Identify and Stage the Different Subtypes
0900-0930 Local expert Advances in Amyloid Imaging: Echocardiography, CMR, bone scintigraphy & PET
0930-0950 Local expert Approach to Subtyping Amyloidosis: Nailing the Correct Amyloid Subtype
0950-1030 A/Prof Martha Grogan The Growing Beast: ATTR Amyloidosis Prevalence, prognosis and treatments in 2023 Speaker

Livestream from Victoria’s workshop

1030-1100 Morning Tea
1100-1130 Isabelle Lousada Connecting and advocating with your patient: Lessons from the USA.Amyloidosis Research Consortium

Livestream from Victoria’s workshop

1130-1210 Murielle Roussel Improving Treatments and Survival in AL Amyloidosis

Livestream from Victoria’s workshop

1210-1240 Local expert The Neglected Cousin – Optimising Supportive Care in amyloidosis
– Managing Hypotension and Neuropathy
– Renal Disease in AL Amyloidosis
1240-1320 Lunch
1320-1400 Local expert Managing the heart in Amyloidosis
1400-1430 Local expert What’s coming next? Resorptive monoclonal antibodies, CRISPA, bi-specifics, TTR silencers and stabilisers and more
1130-1210 All international speakers Virtual Panel discussion with Health Care Professionals in Western Australia

Dedicated site to site virtual interactive session

1500-1510 Thank you & close
Time Speaker Title
0930-1000 Registration & morning tea
1000-1010 Dr Hasib Sidiqi Welcome
1010-1025 Local expert What is amyloidosis? What are the different types of amyloidosis? How does it affect the body?
1025-1040 Local expert Accessing clinical trials and new drugs: What is the future?
Breakout Session 1. AL. Breakout Session 2. ATTR. Chair: Prof Jonathan Kalman (TBC)
1040-1130 Murielle Roussel How do we best treat AL Amyloidosis (with Q and A)

Livestream from Victoria’s Workshop

Martha Grogan How do we best treat ATTR Amyloidosis (with Q and A)

Livestream from Victoria’s Workshop

1130-1200 Lunch/brunch
1200-1240 Isabelle Lousada and others Achieving the best results with your health care professionals: How we can learn from each other and lessons from the Amyloidosis Research Consortium?
Chair: Pat NeelyLivestream from Victoria’s Workshop
1240-1310 All international speakers Virtual Panel discussion with patients in Western Australia

Dedicated site to site virtual interactive session

1310-1330 Local experts Supportive Care
– Heart
– Nerves
– Gastrointestinal tract
1330-1400 Local patients and experts Patient Journeys
– AL
1400-1410 Thank you & close
Time Speaker Title
1000-1015 Registration & morning tea
Session One
1015-1025 Dr Noemi Horvath Welcome address
1025-1045 Spectrum of amyloidosis in RAH/SA
Challenges in subtyping amyloid
1045-1135 Martha Grogan ATTR Management. How I treat ATTR amyloidosis.
1135-1155 Speaker to be confirmed
1155-1220 MDT and clinical trials
1220-1250 Lunch
Session Two
1250-1310 Simon Gibbs Update of the AAN
1310-1400 Isabelle Lousada The Power of patient advocacy and working together with all stakeholders. The Amyloidosis Research Consortium as a vessel of change
1400-1420 Simon Gibbs Supportive care in amyloidosis
1420-1510 Murielle Roussel AL management. How I treat AL amyloidosis
1510-1530 Afternoon tea
Session Three
1530-1600 Murielle, Isabelle, Simon, speakers et al Panel discussion
1600-1610 Dr Horvath Closing notes
Time Speaker Title
1000-1015 Registration & morning tea
Session One
1015-1045 Dr Angie Yong Welcome address
What is amyloidosis? Challenges in diagnosis.
1045-1055 Pat Neely AAN background and PFAC update
1055-1145 Isabelle Lousada The power of patient advocacy. Achieving the best with your health care professionals.
1145-1245 Isabelle Lousada & Pat Neely Interactive session: patient advocacy and the work of the AAN PFAC.
1245-1315 Lunch
Session Two
1315-1405 Murielle Roussel How do we best treat AL
1405-1455 Martha Grogan How do we best treat ATTR
1455-1515 Simon Gibbs Clinical trials
1515-1535 Simon Gibbs Update of the AAN
1540-1600 Closing address & afternoon tea
Time Speaker Title
1830-1840 Simon Gibbs Welcome and introduction
1840-1925 Professor Martha Grogan ATTR Management: How I treat ATTR
1925-2015 Dinner
2015-2100 Dr Murielle Roussel AL Management: How I treat AL
2100-2120 Panel – Professor Martha Grogan, Dr Murielle Roussel, Prof James Hare, other experts Questions & Answers
2120-2130 Closing
Time Speaker Title
1330-1340 Rosie Harrup Welcome
1340-1400 Simon Gibbs Overview of amyloidosis and optimising nutrition
1400-1420 James Hare Amyloidosis & the heart
1420-1440 Bridget Hughes Amyloidosis & the nerves
1440-1510 Afternoon tea
1510-1540 Isabelle Lousada (via virtual link up) Overview of Patient & Family Advisory Group / Patient advocacy
1540-1555 Simon Gibbs Research and trials update
1555-1615 Sajina Matthews Fatigue & exercise
1615-1630 Closing
Time Speaker Title
1830-1900 Registration & free communication
1900-1905 Edwin Lee Introduction & housekeeping
1905-1915 Maansi Joshi Local epidemiology
1915 Starter is served
1915-1925 Simon Gibbs Introduction of AAN (+ membership recruitment)
1925-1940 Fiona Kwok Model of work of amyloidosis centres, introduction to Sydney amyloidosis centre
1940-1955 Simon Gibbs Melbourne amyloidosis centre & updates on treatments and clinical trials in Australia
1955-2015 Break for main course
2015-2030 Liza Thomas Cardiac amyloidosis
2030-2040 Maansi Joshi and others Development of local resources and setting up local patient support network
2040 Dessert is served
2040-2100 Edwin Lee and others Local networking, communication channels, “virtual” networking and future meetings
2100 Meeting close