May 8, Australian National Amyloidosis Day is a very important day for raising awareness about the group of complicated relatively rare diseases, referred to as amyloidosis.

This year the Australian Amyloidosis Network AAN conducted a virtual education meeting for patients and families. The meeting was arranged and chaired by Associate Professor Hasib Sidiqi, from the Fiona Stanley Amyloidosis Service, Perth.

Speakers were:

  • The Chairman of the ANN Board, Associate Professor Peter Mollee ,
  • Combined chair of the Patient and Family Advisory committee Garry and Maureen Mahon,
  • Dr Stephanie Lam, Haematologist,
  • Dr Jay Baumwol, Cardiologist
  • Dr Nabeel Sheikh, Neurologist

The meeting was well attended with plenty of time for the audience to ask questions.

View the video of the day below

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